The poet, Jamal Gabobe, published three poetry books about love and Somaliland.
An interview with Sofia Rehman about Prophet Mohammad’s third wife.
Sara explains how she decided to take her anger to nature, and how God showed her mercy and beauty.
Many volunteers at Alefba Group are working to create the Iranian Cultural Showcase at Northwest Folklife Festival.
For our upcoming meeting, we will talk our failure of practicing nonviolent communication.
Aishah Bint Abu Bakr was Prophet Mohammad’s third; and youngest wife. All of…
When we eat less, consume less, spend less, we contribute to our peace of mind and the peace of the planet.
Two Iranian journalist’s story about mandatory hijab sparked one of the biggest uprising in Iran.
Practicing nonviolent communication needs lots and lots of patience.
In personal stories, Sara Jamshidi compares Iran and the United States controlling women’s bodies.
It is not nice, neither kind!
May 5th at 2:30, Yvonne will talk about halal recipes.
Hundreds of schoolgirls in several cities in Iran have been mysteriously poisoned, causing a wave of anger.
My car tank was full of gas. I was so grateful for the kindness of my husband!
The Women’s Khutbah Book: Contemporary Sermons on Spirituality and Justice.
At the Starbuck car line, a pickup truck paid for our order.
Islam has a long tradition of expressive sexual conduct, while we Muslims are more conservative than ever.
Halal Expo is an international tradeshow that highlights the Halal lifestyle.
Take care of mental health while fighting for freedom anywhere, especially Iran, is necessary.
The best way to support women-led revolution in Iran is exposure.
Why U.S. media, regional powers and big powers are quiet about Iran’s women revolution.
Mahsa Amini’s brutal killing has sparked a worldwide protest in support of women.
Why some scholars insist that Islam and the Wes are incompatible.
Challenges of Immigrant moms to teach their languages to their kids.
George Floyd, white supremacy, and politics in the WA state.
Mansour Adayfi, a writer, advocate, and former Guantánamo detainee.
Mustafa Akyol wants Muslims to reclaim their intellectual heritage.
About the author: Sonora Jha, Ph.D., is a novelist, essayist, researcher, and a Professor of…
The world is getting hotter. We are in a crisis. But, what about positive solution to our problems!
Can halal lifestyle and minimal spending help us with human-made climate disaster?
Halal expo and summiet USA 2021.
A memoir about individual rights and defining one according to her own terms.
The Qur’an features three hundred verses involve women and girls.
We Wrote in Symbols is the first anthology to feature writings by Arab women on lust, love and the erotic.
Story of a child raised in Canada by parents who embraced a conservative version of Islam to shield them from racism.
About the author: Mira Sethi is a Pakistani actress, model, and writer. She worked at…
Similarities between Iran and France on policing Muslim women.
Does Islam call for the oppression of women?
Discussing how communities get together, after war, to create a long-lasting peace.
Refugee Women Alliance in Seattle published Recipes for Refuge.
Is it really dangerous to create poetry in the Middle East?
A timely novel about our everchanging world.
Interview with the author.
The Dutch people are some of the happiest in the world. Their secret?
a unique window into the impact of war on children
A searching personal reflection on the hidden nuances of race and religious identity.
Stereotype-Shattering Stories of Courage, Inspiration, and Adventure
Meet Pádraig Ó Tuama: poet, theologian, conflict mediator, and traveler.