Dubai Modest Fashion Week 2021 Will Be Held at the Luxurious Rixos Premium Next Week

dubai modest fashion week 2021

All photos are the curtsy of Think Fashion and Dubai Modest Fashion Week 2021.

Press release – Dubai Modest Fashion Week 2021 will be between Nov. 18 and 20 at Rixos Premium Dubai. Think Fashion, organizer of the fashion week, hopes to feature more than 37 designers and brands during the 3-day event.

The theme for this year’s fashion week is “awakening.” In their vision, the organizers want to be inclusive: to include many body shapes in their runways; ethical: to feature more sustainable and ethical brands; and prove that modesty is not boring, rather it is “New Cool.”

dubai modest fashion week 2021 “We feel the responsibility of being the pioneer and the most prestigious event series that is dedicated to the industry,” said Ozlem Sahin Etras.  “The responsibility helps us to go out of our comfort zone and serve the best for the modest fashion industry while creating the solution for global businesses. We carefully curate all the global designers to show the power and beauty of modesty.”

A number of celebrities including Sara Coelho Ansari (France), Rania Yehia, Nadia Elkholy, Dina Sokar (Egypt), and many others  to talk about Muslim women power, the power of modest fashion and strength of modest fashion market around the world.

Modest fashion industry worth

The modest fashion industry is valued at $277 billion and is estimated to reach $311 billion by 2024, according to the State of the Global Islamic Economy latest report. The largest markets for modest fashion include Iran, Turkey and Saudi Arabia, with strong growth predicted for countries such as Indonesia. UAE plays a significant role in its global placement on modest fashion.


dubai modest fashion week 2021


Fashion-conscious modest dressers

While modest styles and individual pieces have been visible on runways in Europe for the past couple of years, designers are now creating entire labels dedicated to fashion-conscious modest dressers.

One of these designers is Iran-based designer Sara Ziia. With her brand Sarazia, the young designer won the best designer award of Iran Fajr International Festival in 2018 and 2019. Ziia designs robe, bag, shoes, and scarf. Al Haya Paris brand proud itself for using minimal fabric to create its abayas and kimonos.

”Dubai Modest Fashion Week 2021 will be the most special edition. We see Dubai as our home and one of the most attractive modest fashion capitals in the world. Rixos Premium Dubai – JBR is the perfect venue to show the elegance, glamour and the exclusivity of modest fashion with a premium experience,” says Sahin Etras.

dubai modest fashion week 2021

Modest fashion around the world

The Modest Fashion Weeks were previously held in Istanbul, London, Jakarta, Amsterdam, and Dubai. The event series are supported by the United Arab Emirates Government Entities and other countries that see modest fashion’s huge potential and deep influence on other industries like tourism, high tech and culinary.

Dubai Modest Fashion Week 21 event entrance is only available with pre-registration on and with special invitations.

All photos are the curtsy of Think Fashion and Dubai Modest Fashion Week 2021.


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