If you are like me, you may love to have a warm and hearty bowl of soup during the cold weather. However, Aash, or thick soup, holds a special place in my heart and my gut.
Aash is a Persian term for a family of nearly 80 thick soup varieties that combine beans, grains, large quantities of herbs, meat or chicken pieces, and sometimes noodles. The most significant difference between Aash and soup is “rice.” Many varieties of Persian Aash include “rice,” except Aash Reshteh, or noodle Aash, which includes noodles instead of rice, of course.
Aash, pronounced “Osh”, can also be spelled Ash, Aash, or Aush.
The Tarragon Aash is originally known as Shirazi Aash. Although tarragon is not a common herb used in Aash, everything comes together when it is added to the pot. The Aash is easy to make with ingredients found in any kitchen pantry.
The lamb shank gives it a rich and filling taste, making it a wholesome food, especially for those cold days ahead.
Level: Easy Serves: 6

1 lb. lamb shank
1 large onion, chopped
1 teaspoon turmeric powder
2 tablespoons of oil
1 cup rice (brown rice will be more nutritious), soaked
1/3 cup chickpeas, sorted for debris and soaked overnight
1/3 Navy beans, sorted for debris and soaked overnight
1/3 cup brown lentils, sorted for debris and soaked overnight
4 bunches of green onions, green part chopped
4 tablespoons of dried tarragon
1—It is best to soak the legumes and rice separately overnight. This will help them cook quicker and cause less hardship on the digestive system. Put the legumes and rice in the crockpot on high. Add enough hot water to cover them fully, yet leave some room for when they expand.

2—In a skillet, heat 2 tablespoons of oil over medium heat. Toss the chopped onions and sauté until they turn translucent. Add turmeric powder and stir. Adding turmeric to sautéed onions releases and intensifies the aroma of the spice. Remove half the onion from the pan to be used later to garnish the soup.
3 – Add the lamb shank. It is best to cut the shanks so the soup will benefit from all the secreted bone marrow. Turn down the heat and allow the outside of the meat to brown slightly. When the meat changes color, transfer to the crockpot along with the onion and the meat broth. Allow to fully cook for 3 hours or depending on the power level of your crock pot.

4—Add the green onions and stir as the soup thickens and the legumes become tender to the bite.
5—The cooking time depends on how soon the legumes are done. When the meat easily separates from the bone, remove it from the pot and tear it into small pieces. Return it to the pot. It is best to use 2-3 pulses of a handheld mixer to mix the ingredients better and smooth out the soup.

6—To preserve its taste and fragrance, it is best to add the dried tarragon to the soup half an hour before serving. To make the soup even more fragrant, the dried tarragon can be sautéed in a small amount of oil before being added to the soup.
Like similar thick soups in Persian cuisine, a spoonful of sautéed onion on top along with a drizzle of freshly squeezed lemon juice will make this already-delicious dish more scrumptious. Noosh-e jān!
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