5 Tips to Enjoy Travel During the End of Ramadan


goltune, halal travel, ramadan travel


Elena, Muslim Travel Girl, gives you 5 tips to enjoy your Ramadan travels. It is never late to travel, even during the last days of Ramadan

Every year the big question of travelling during Ramadan looms in the air. Do we travel during Ramadan or do we stay and enjoy the Holy month at home? Many people decided on the latter while an increasing majority surprisingly book their ticket to visit another country and experience Ramadan in a totally different way.

Travelling during Ramadan doesn’t have to be a challenge on it’s own if you plan and prepare correctly it can be an easy ride to the airport and your destination. Sometimes even without breaking your fast. Below are my five tips to make it easier for you to travel during Ramadan.

1- Stay close to home

goltune halal traveling durng ramadan Islam is an easy religion and it does not burden you more than you can handle. If you decide you don’t want to fast while traveling, it is perfectly fine. You just have to make up your fast later on. However if you decide that you do want to fast but yet you don’t want to miss exploring another country then stay close to home. It is easier to fast on a 4 hour flight than it is on 12 hour flight. So staying close to home can make it much more manageable for you to keep your fast and not get too tired.

2- Travel at the right time

Many people prefer to travel just after closing their fast or shortly before opening their fast, this way they break the journey and make it easier on themselves. It is a personal choice but traveling when you and alert is great, especially if driving. It also gives you the time to relax at your destination before opening your fast. On the other hand if you decide to travel closer to Maghrib, you can travel for few hours and then break your fast. This is great if you decide to take an evening flight and you only have few hours ahead of you. This way the journey doesn’t feel too exhausting. Depending on which direction your are traveling this can even shorten your fast. So keep it in mind when looking for the perfect destination.

3- Hydrate Yourself

goltune halal traveling durng ramadanMajority of your body is water, yet you need to hydrate your body properly. It is recommended that we drink at least 2 litres of water a day.  Many people don’t do this, therefore, they struggle to continue their daily routines during Ramadan. However, It is important to hydrate properly if you are traveling whilst fasting. You will be using more energy and having prepared yourself adequately will help you to make the trip easier. Also airplane air can dehydrate your body. So, drink plenty water when breaking fast.

4- Have a nutritional breakfast

Whether you are traveling or not, having a nutritional breakfast can help you feel energetic during the day. There is a saying ‘breakfast is king’. Traveling while hungry and with not enough energy in your body is a recipe for disaster. So make sure you have a good and balanced breakfast. You need good slow energy to be released into your body to give you needed energy. In your breakfast, you can choose from oat, banana, date, porridge, cheese and notorious foods.

5- Opening Your fast

halal hannover, halal travel, goltuneAfter a full day of travel make sure you open your fast with good healthy options. If you are on a flight while opening your fast bring with you some food of your choice. We know that airline food can be hit and miss. It’s good to be prepared.

Bring some snack bars, your favorite drink (make sure you buy it after security clearance), fruits or even a salad. You can even order a nice meal from one of the airport restaurants and bring it on board. That is only if you can handle the temptation of delicious food until it’s time to open your fast.

Traveling and fasting during Ramadan is definitely possible and it can also be rewarding as a self-achievement. Yes, it takes a little bit more planning than your usual trip however seeing how other Muslims celebrate Eid or spending the last 10 nights with family members is a blessing. By using the tips above, you can be ready to take on the travel and fasting challenge to a new level. Enjoy and happy travels!

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