Peacemindedly Podcast, Season Five, Ramadan Special and Much More …



Hello and Salam to you beautiful peaceful bridge makers.

Journalists report on women in Muslim and Middle Eastern countries when their rights are violated. But they report on women in Western societies when their rights are respected, according to Islamophobia and Media Portrayal of Muslim Women, a text analysis of U.S. News coverage, by Rochelle Terman.

Is there a way to challenge this reality?
I think there is.

Salam again, My name is Sara Jamshidi, publisher of

Here at Goltune we are a group of passionate, professional women looking to bridging the gap between Muslims and non-Muslims in the U.S. and around the world.

With the Goltune website and our Peacemindedly podcast, we seek to reverse the media’s long-held, negative perception of Islam by using peace journalism to connect and inspire.

On this season, we are starting our season 5 on Peacemindedly podcast tomorrow.

Our fist episode is dedicated to The Beauty of the Houri: Heavenly Virgins, Feminine Ideals.

We have a range of amazing discussions with our guests about food, culture, feminism, Afghanistan and Ukraine.

We are also launching our first pledge campaign ever. And we are very excited about that.

Please join us to amplify women voices through peace journalism.

Please become one of our peaceful Bridge Makers by pledging $50, $35, $25 and however you can to support us with our mission to bridging the gap between nations, cultures, languages and women.

Please go to to pledge your support. Click on “donate” box at the top of the page to start.

We are also launching our crowdfunding campaign on Lauch Good, a crowdfunding platform focused on the Muslim community. Our pledge campaign is happening during the month of Ramadan.

Pleas support us in any way you can.

Thank you very much for your generous contributions.



Please Consider to Pledge to Our Independent Peace Journalism.

Thank you.

Goltune is editorially independent, meaning we set our own agenda. No one edits our editors. No one steers our opinion. This is important as it enables us to stay true to our values.

We practice peace journalism: to cover stories, feature individuals and profile organizations that base their practice according to peace initiatives.

Every contribution we receive from readers like you, big or small, goes directly into funding our journalism. Please support Goltune, large or small. Thank you.

Thanks for helping us to fund our Peace Journalism. Here is our Square account: “Please help us to fund our peace Journalism.”

Send your contributions to Goltune News
Or, contact us and let us know what we can do to deserve your support.