We are at the final days of Ramadan. May God grant you spiritual awakening and guide you of becoming an improved version of yourself.
May you read Ramadan prayers and feel the blessings in your heart, deeds, and life. Don’t forget us in your prayers.
May all your prayers and fasts be granted by Allah almighty. Please don’t forget us in your prayers. Happy Ramadan.
Ramadan is the month of being God’s guest, the month of prayer, mercy, fasting and exuberance. Please recite Ramadan’s first week prayers. Happy Ramadan.
Halal food and halal tourism has become a new financial resource in Nepal.
What to do and what to expect when you go to the royal church.
A personal story of facing war and atrocity in the Middle East. As much as peace seems impossible in the Middle East, we cannot lose hope.
Recipe of Tarragon Aash, or Herbal Shirazi Aash from Persian cuisine. Aash, or thick soup, is a favorite food among Iranians during winter time.
Improvising in the kitchen, using available raw ingredients, daughter and mom made three different Mediterranean dishes in two hours.
Shahnaz Habib answers the question of being a joyous traveler in the ruins of colonialism, capitalism, and climate change in her book Airplane Mode.
As we make our way into a new school year, the weather still holds warm and bright, and back to school activities and events take over campuses and schools.
Muslim travelers are becoming a major sector in travel industry.
Malaysia, as a halal destination, is one of the most visited countries in the Southeast Asia.
Don’t just book. Be an active researcher. If it is too good to be true, there’s probably a reason.
Traveling with kids is different. Give yourself one complete day to rest. Try to plan one thing a day. It’s Ok you don’t see everything.
Abgoosht means broth and meat in Farsi. Iranians eat the food with special ritual. Here, Azadeh Torabi show us how.
Muslim women can safely travel throughout Europe alone. Here are a few ideas to try.
50 Recipes that are easy-to-follow and rich with vegetables, flavors, legumes and meat.
I put together a photography crew to take pictures of happy and fashionable Muslims during the Eid al Fitr celebration.
The Beauty of the Houri shows how Islamic houris has gained a distinctive place in the cultural eye of the twenty-first century.
An innocent question of “where are you from” may provoke an unexpected backlash. How can we address white privilege, friendly and kindly!
Three methods of making delicious kuku sabzi, or Persian herb frittata. You can add walnuts & sour berry to make it yummier.
The Western media uses “Islam” as news, and Muslims as villains. I wanted to change the narrative through peace journalism.
I started the Fashionable Muslim Women of Eid al Fitr project to answer my curiosity and examine the US media’s treatment of Muslim Americans.
Columbia University students’ demand for Israel divestment, and Tehran University students’ demanded for the flow of information. They both want accountability by their government.
Exhausted with seeing the media’s coverage of Muslims, we decided to redirect the narrative by producing a body of pictures to show Muslim’s pride and happiness under the Fashionable Muslim Women Project.
Sofia Rehma, scholar, author and avid book reader, suggested 9 books to read. Take a peak at the books before World Book Day on April 23.
From the past to the present, from Nefertiti to Amy Winehouse, eyeliner is one of our most enduring cosmetic tools.
Media portrays Muslims in negative light. We wanted to change the narrative, and show Muslims’ Happiness, beauty and kindness.
Fashionable Muslim Women Project was the solution to discuss Muslim women’s agency within the Western media discourse.
Eid al Fitr Mubarak. We got nine suggestions of “must haves” for you during the Eid celebration. Keep it chic, elegant, and simple.
Ramadan prayers, week four, days 22 to 28. May Allah accept your prayers, deeds, and all your good works. Isnah’Allah.
And, make Paradise an abode and a resting place for me.
O Allah, on this day, open the doors of the heavens for me.
And ease my path towards your bounties.
Allah, Illuminate my heart with the brightness early morning rays.
The U.S. media showed unfriendly pictures of Muslim women. Sara Jamshidi, Iranian-American peace journalist, challenged the stereotype.
Expand my chest through the repentance of the humble, by your security.
Allah on this day do not condemn me for slips.
Allah on this day, beautify me with covering and chastity.
Ramadan Prayers, Day 11 English Allah on this day, make me love goodness, and dislike…
Allah, make me among those who you consider successful.
Allah on this day, let me have mercy on the orphans.
Allah, grant me to continue remembering you throughout the day,
God, keep me away from the causes of your anger.