A Treasury of ‘A’ishah: Mother of the Believers



Aishah Bint Abu Bakr was Prophet Mohammad’s third; and youngest wife.

All of Muhammad’s marriages had political motivations, and in this case, the intention seems to have been to cement ties with Aishah’s father, Abu Bakr, who was one of the prophet’s most important supporters.

Aishah’s physical charms, intelligence, and wit, together with the genuine warmth of their relationship, secured her a place in his affections that was not lessened by his subsequent marriages.

Dr. Sofia Rehman, compiles 40 of ‘A’ishah’s insights and statements in a small and easy-to-read volume.

It is said that in 627 she accompanied the Prophet on an expedition but became separated from the group. When she was later escorted back to Medina by a man who had found her in the desert, Muhammad’s enemies claimed that she had been unfaithful. A subsequent Qurʾānic revelation asserted her innocence. The Qurʾān furthermore criticized and stipulated punishment for those who slander virtuous women.

In her book, A Treasury of Aishah: A Guidance from the Beloved of the Beloved, Dr. Sofia Rehman, an independent female scholar of Islam, compiles 40 of Aishah’s insights and statements in a small and easy-to-read volume. Rehman’s book is based on her Ph.D. thesis Gendering the Hadith Tradition: Recentering the Authority of Aisah, Mother of the Believers, due for publication with Oxford University Press scheduled for upcoming Winter.

Most accounts of Aishah’s life have been conducted by men. Rehman can be considered one of the only female scholars who researched Aishah extensively.

Rehman wants to explain complicated scholarship on Islam to the wider Muslim community. Islam and Gender Read Along is an online book club that Rehman runs under Patreon, a membership platform for content creators. She reads and discuss books written by Muslim fe/male scholars with her fellow friends and followers. In her book club, and the various workshops that she manages, she facilitates learning experiences, critical thinking, and spiritual empowerment.

Rehman can be considered one of the only female scholars who researched Aishah extensively.

Rehman loves books. Under sofia_reading, an Instagram account, Rehman talks about the books she reads.

In the new upcoming Peacemindedly episode, Sofia Rehman will discuss her newest book, her love of reading, and some of her Instagram entries with Sara Jamshidi.

Source of this writing: https://www.britannica.com/biography/Aishah

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