Modest Fashion Goes to Africa, Capetown; This Time … Officially

Modest Fashion Africa


Cape Town (1 April 2019) – After the launch of Council of Modest Fashion Africa, CoMFA, during the Africa Halal Week in Cape Town, the executive directors decided to invest in Developing an entrepreneurial community into a retail-ready and global export industry.

The Council organized Africa Modest Fashion Collective, or AMFC, a modest fashion store as a co-retail space featuring direct-to-consumer modest-wear brands. The economic benefit of such adventure encouraged the organizers to take next steps. They recruited modest-wear designers, who were ready to move into the local retail sectors, to take first steps.

“I am thrilled to open a South African modest-wear boutique whose clothes are hand-made, employing local staff and made for the South African woman,” said Gadija Khan, one of the designers. “I’m doing this not only for myself but for all local designers in the modest fashion industry who thought opening a boutique and realising their dreams are far-fetched. It comes from hard work, commitment, support from family.”

Now, the council placed a membership opportunity for people who are serious to improve their businesses. The Membership will include newsletter and website listings, an online networking platform, access to professional services such as communications, photography, marketing and accounting, and monthly workshops at a discounted rate.

Fledgling businesses can gain support of the local programs to improve their business ideas.

Another program will be the Retail Accelerator Programme (RAP), open to 12 to 15 fashion businesses who are ready to accelerate their business growth. The programme will consist of 12 weeks of insightful sessions from industry experts where participants will be required to apply the knowledge gained into their business practices.

The Council will host its second annual global trade show of national and international buyers to view local South Africa and African designers.

About the Council of Modest Fashion Africa

The Council of Modest Fashion (CoMF) is a global council with representation in Indonesia, Russia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Africa. The Africa chapter is based in Cape Town, South Africa, and has established a clear purpose of enhancing the businesses of designers in the African modest fashion industry through succession planning.

The Council of Modest Fashion Africa (COMFA) board consists of Roshan Isaacs, Amiena Pastor, Leila Bardien-Taylor and Zainab Slemang van Rijmenant, who have all worked in and around fields relating to the modest fashion industry.