Happy Fourth of July: Talking About the Power of Peace, Nonviolent Resistance, and Modest Isn’t Hottest


In this video, I cover:

  • The heat wave in the Seattle area (115 F),
  • To be kind to mother earth,
  • The power of Kindness,
  • July 4th is the Independence Day, in the United States. The day is about fighting for freedom. Lat week I talked about number of people who have taken drastic mearsure to fight for their countries freedom. Some of them, like my friends back in Iran, pay a great deal. Some of the freedom fighters would throw in jail, or get killed. This day is to honor “freedom,” and all of those who fight for all of us.
  • Peace and quest to reach peace, prosperity and stability for all,
  • Abraham’s Land, a an original musical by Seattle playwright, Lauren Marshall about Palestine and Israel relationship.
  • Modest is Hottest: a song by Mathew West, Christian singer, that created a HUGE controversy.
  • You Are Wearing That? Understanding Mothers and Daughters Conversation
  • Growing up in Iran, under an autocracy, and experiencing harsh criticism against freedom of choice.
  • My Fair Lady scene,
  • Ms. Marvel character, Kamala Khan, edited by Sana Amanat: our next week story,
  • Goltune.com and our thanks for signing up to our email — Muslim women empowerment — And, next week when I come back with more updates.

#peace #prosperity #kindness #compassion #peacejournalism


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