The Invisible Muslim: Journey Through Whiteness and Islam, Conversation with Medina Whiteman


Medina Tenour Whiteman is a writer, poet, translator, musician, and an Anglo-American born to Sufi converts. In her recent book The Invisible Muslim: Journey Through Whitness and Islam, she discusses how her white privileged background has not helped her to feel ‘at home’ with her Muslim friends in Europe. Sara Jamshidi will talk with Whiteman about what it means to be an invisible Muslim, examining the effect of white Muslim (un)privilege in Europe.


Medina Tenour Whiteman reading from ‘The Invisible Muslim’


Amazon books:

Medina Tenour Whiteman stands at the margins of whiteness and Islam. An Anglo-American born to Sufi converts, she feels perennially out of place–not fully at home in Western or Muslim cultures.

In this searingly honest memoir, Whiteman contemplates what it means to be an invisible Muslim, examining the pernicious effects of white Muslim privilege and exploring what Muslim identity can mean the world over–in lands of religious diversity and cultural insularity, from Andalusia, Bosnia and Turkey to Zanzibar, India and Iran.

Through her travels, she unearths experiences familiar to both Western Muslims and anyone of mixed heritage: a life-long search for belonging and the joys and crises of inhabiting more than one identity.


The Invisible Muslim: Journey Through Whiteness and Islam

By Medina Tenour Whiteman


Medina Tenour Whiteman

is a writer, poet, translator and musician. She is the author of a collection of poetry, Love is a Traveller and We Are its Path, and Huma’s Travel Guide to Islamic Spain. She lives near Granada, Spain, with her husband and three children.


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Interview with Medina Tenour Whiteman for Peacemindedly Podcast




YouTube Raw Footage of Conversion between Meidna Tenour Whiteman and Sara Jamshidi for Peacemindedly Podcast




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