The Colour of God, by Ayesha Chaudhry

About the guest:

Ayesha S. Chaudhry was born in Toronto and earned her PhD from New York University. She is the Canada Research Chair in Religion, Law and Social Justice and Associate Professor of Islamic studies and Gender studies at the University of British Columbia.


The Colour of God


By Ayesha Chaudhry


About the book: – This is the story of a child raised in Canada by parents who embraced a puritanical version of Islam to shield them from racism. Chaudhry explores the joys and sorrows of growing up in a fundamentalist Muslim household, wedding grand historical narratives of colonialism and migration to the small intimate heartbreaks of modern life. In revisiting the beliefs and ideals she was raised with, Chaudhry invites us to reimagine our ideas of self and family, state and citizenship, love and loss.




Ayesha Chaudhry is Canada Research Chair in Religion, Law and Social Justice. She aims to bring nuance and complexity to a debate about gender and Islam. Chaudhry believes that discussion about gender and Islam is oversimplified, and the debate has become harmful to democracy.

Chaudhry’s research combines textual analysis, sociological survey work, and critical legal studies. She and her research team are interested in including Muslim women themselves into the conversations that concern, yet often exclude, them. They are drawing on the work of religious feminists, Muslim feminists, and theories of intersectionality.

Their research program focuses on how religious discourse intersects with state law; how the field of religious feminism demonstrates the mutually nature of feminist and religious debate; and how intersectional feminism research can enrich public debate around Muslims, gender and Islam.

Chaudhry’s goal is to allow Muslim women’s voices and attitudes to determine how texts are interpreted and how laws are enacted. Her research creates a sophisticated public discussion around gender and Islam and Muslim women.


The Raw Footage of YouTube Interview with Ayesha Chaudhry, author of The Colour of God






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