Terror and Hope: The Science of Resilience, A Movie About How Syrian Kids in Refugee Camps Develop Happiness


Ron Bourke, filmmaker exploring issues of displacement, education, and healthcare directed Terror and Hope: The Science of Resilience. He features Rana Dajani, scientist, world expert in genetics and founder of We Love Reading Project, as well as other other experts to learn about how Syrian children’s not only cope with terror in refugee camps, but to create resilience and happiness.

Terror and Hope: The Science of Resilience offers a unique window into the impact of war on children through the work of an international team of scientists led by Yale University working closely with Mercy Corps’ team in Jordan.


ron bourke, peacemindedly podcast, peace journalism Ron Bourke is an independent filmmaker concentrating on documentaries exploring issues of displacement, education, healthcare, science research, and the wellbeing of children everywhere.

Ron’s previous film exploring the refugee experience, Lessons of Basketball and War was an official selection at more than a dozen US and international film festivals.

Other selected honors include: Gold World Medal – New York Festivals International Television and Film Awards;  Gold Camera – International Film & Video Festival; and an American Film Institute Independent Filmmakers grant.


Rana Dajani is an associate professor of biology and biotechnology at the Hashemite University in Jordan. She is an authority on the genetics studies in Jordan.

Dajani is the recipient of UNHCR Nonsen Middle East and North Africa Award. She has developed a community-based model “We love reading” to encourage children to read for pleasure.

In her book Five Scarves: Doing the Impossible – If We Can Reverse Cell Fate, Why We Can’t Redefine Success? she explores the intersection between gender, race, Islam and science told through the eyes of a Muslim woman scientist.




terror and hope, peace journalism, peacemindedly, ron bourke, rana dajani


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Interview with filmmaker Ron Bourke and scientist Rana Dajani for Peacemindedly Podcast




YouTube Raw Footage of Conversation between Ron Bourke and Rana Dajani with Sara Jamshidi for Peacemindedly Podcast





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