Hello, and Salam to our dearest peace lovers, peace makers, and Peaceful Bridge Makers.
My name is Sara Jamshidi. I am publisher and executive director for Goltune nonprofit. I am asking you to please help us to build more bridges between cultures, nations, people, and languages by pledging to our cause.
We are a group of passionate professional women who are bridging gaps between Muslims and non-Muslims in the U.S. and around the world. We are establishing a nonprofit organization to achieve our goal. Our organization is a media platform that includes a few major programs, including our signature podcast show: Peacemindedly.

Your money goes toward creating new episodes for Peacemindedly, as well as managing Goltune more effectively.
“More than 89 percent of Muslim Americans say they are proud of being Muslim. With Goltune, we show and emphasize the power, resilience, and stead-forwardness of Muslims, especially women,” says Mateen Rokhsefat, Goltune board member and PhD in Islamic and Middle Eastern studies.
Islam is not a news; it is a religion. But Western media covers Islam as news, and Muslims as villains. The stakes are higher for Muslim women.
Journalists report on women in Muslim and Middle Eastern countries when their rights are violated, but will report on women in other societies when their rights are respected, according to Islamophobia and Media Portrayal of Muslim Women, a text analysis of U.S. News coverage by Rochelle Terman.

Concepts of inclusion and diversity while covering Muslim women in the Western media are nonexistent. We challenge this representation of Muslim women and aim to change how Muslim women are represented in the U.S. media platforms.
“We cherish womanhood, Muslimhood, motherhood, and being a proud citizen of the world. We show, criticize, and celebrate who we are,” says Nina Khan, Goltune board member, and sales and fundraising specialist.
Mariam Kamin, Goltune board member and lecturer/educator of World Languages and Cultures adds, “we do not stay away from important topics such as Islamophobia. In fact our aim is to fight the negative perception of Islam in the media in these polarizing times and to choose empathy over prejudice.”

“We address Islamophobia with peace journalism,” says Sara Schreiber, Goltune board member and freelance content producer. “We deliberately choose guests and stories that bridge and connect rather than separate and destroy. Our mission is to elevate women’s voices through global peace building.”
We publish spiritual, physical, and thought-leadership stories of cultural bridge-makers using peace journalism to connect and inspire women.
“On Peacemindedly, we create podcast episodes, we send out newsletters, and we conduct workshops, panels and conferences,” says Zahra Eslami, Goltune board member and IT specialist.
Please take a look at our range of guests.
We need your help. Please pledge your support of $75, $45, $50, $100 or $1000 to our cause.
Please see what perks we have specified for your generous contributions.
Merci Beaucoup,
Kheili Mamnoon,
Cok Teshekuller,
Thank you,
Please Consider to Pledge to Our Independent Peace Journalism.
Thank you.
Goltune is editorially independent, meaning we set our own agenda. No one edits our editors. No one steers our opinion. This is important as it enables us to stay true to our values.
We practice peace journalism: to cover stories, feature individuals and profile organizations that base their practice according to peace initiatives.
Every contribution we receive from readers like you, big or small, goes directly into funding our journalism. Please support Goltune, large or small. Thank you.
Thanks for helping us to fund our Peace Journalism. Here is our Square account: “Please help us to fund our peace Journalism.”
Send your contributions to Goltune News
Or, contact us and let us know what we can do to deserve your support.