Modest Fashion; Undeniable Market at the Global Landscape

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Three designers at NYS.CO, at the middle, are posing for photo shoot along with their models at Jakarta Modest Fashion Week 2018


Modest fashion and its multi-billion dollar allure.

British Vogue Magazine published a story on modest fashion.

Here is a few important points. Read more here.

“I know some people will think modest fashion is regressive and telling a woman to cover themselves, but I actually feel like the women it appeals to want to wear stuff that’s fun and don’t have to worry about being a sex object for a man,” says Hay about her designs.

de Young Museum, San Francisco, Contemporary Muslim Fashions exhibition.

As the movement has gained momentum, it’s revealed the economic clout of those driving it. Hay’s brand caters to a secondary tier of religious women – namely Orthodox Jews and Christians – as well as secular shoppers interested in pieces that can be appreciated for their style and craft. But it’s a new generation of Muslim consumers that has emerged as the demographic heavyweights, their modest-fashion spend accounting for $44 billion of the $1.9 trillion global Muslim market.

Read the full story @ British Vogue