Ramadan Prayers, Day 1
Allah on this day make my fasts the fasts of those who fast sincerely and my standing up in prayer of those who stand up in prayer. Awaken me from the sleep of the heedless and forgive me my sins. O God of the worlds forgive me, O one who forgives the sinners.
اللهمَ اجْعلْ صِیامی فـیه صِیـام الصّائِمینَ وقیامی فیهِ قیامَ القائِمینَ ونَبّهْنی فیهِ عن نَومَةِ الغافِلینَ وهَبْ لی جُرمی فیهِ یا الهَ العالَمینَ واعْفُ عنّی یا عافیاً عنِ المجْرمینَ.
Allahumaj al siyami fihi siyamasaa imina wa kiyami fihi kiyamal kaa imina wa nabhini fihi an naumatil gafilina wahabli jurmi fihi ya ilahal almina wafu anni ya afian anil mujrimin

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