How to Cook Blessing Foods to Nourish Soul and Body During the Holiday Season

blessing foods, peace journalism, peacemindedly, kathryn lafond, elena razmpoosh


At the time of feast, family and being merry, we are dealing with a deadly virus this year. The number of people getting affected by the Coronavirus is at the rise. Many families are experiencing hardships and heartbreaks. Yet, Thanksgiving is approaching. The tradition of Thanksgiving, giving thanks to what we have and what we acquire, is sacred and important for us Americans. Could we pray our prayers, with more humility, around the Thanksgiving table, this year? Could we cook our thanksgiving food more intentionally, more wholeheartedly?

For this episode, Sara Jamshidi talks with two food experts who include blessings in their ingredients to create wholesome food, not only for body, but for soul.

Kathryn Lafond is known for her love of prayer, song and ceremony. She is devoted to help us remember that all life is sacred and that cooking is the act that transforms the sacred plants and animals into nourishment. Kathryn has served her community as an Intuitive Energy Healer, health coach, and writer for more than 25 years. As an Ex-chef and caterer, she combined her skills to author Seasoned with Gratitude: 250 Recipes & Blessings Celebrating the Greater Nourishment of Real Food.

Elena Razmpoosh is a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN) with a Master’s degree in Nutrition Sciences from the University of Washington. Elena works for Jujubeet, a plant-based restaurant and juice bar, located in the Seattle. Aside from developing new delicious, vegan recipes for Jujubeet, Elena owns her business Nutrition with Elena, LLC.  She offers nutrition consultations and hands-on cooking classes for both children and adults.

Azadeh Torabi is Goltune News contributing writer in the food  section. Azadeh develops her recipes from the scratch on popular Iranian dishes. She is joining our conversation from her home in Maryland.





Seasoned with Gratitude: 250 Recipes and Blessings Celebrating Nourishment and Real Food


By Kathryn Lafond



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Interview with Kathryn Lafond and Elena Razmpoosh for Peacemindedly Podcast




YouTube Raw Footage of Conversation between Kathryn Lafond, Elena Razmpoosh, and Sara Jamshidi for Peacemindedly Podcast

(to be uploaded on Tuesday, Nov. 25)




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