Hijab and Red Lipstick by Yousra Imran


Being a teenager isn’t easy. All Sara wants to do is experiment with make-up and hang out with friends. It doesn’t help when you have a super-strict Egyptian dad who tells you that everything is “haram” a.k.a. forbidden. But when her family move to the Arabian Gulf, it feels like every door is being closed on Sara’s future. Can Sara find her voice again? Will she ever be free?

Hijab and Red Lipstick is a semi-autobiographical novel by Yousra Imran. Drawing from her experience as an English and Egyptian Muslim living in U.K., Imran shows Sara, the main character’s challenges as she navigates living her life between pleasing her strict father and growing into her own person.

Imran talks with Mateen Rokhsefat, Goltune editor and co-producer, about her book and her experience growing up in a Muslim family in Europe.


Yousra Imran

hijab red listick yousra imranYousra Imran is half-English and half-Egyptian and grew up between London and the Arabian Peninsula. She won the Hashtag Press 2020 competition and the prize was a traditional book deal. Hijab and Red Lipstick is her debut book.

Yousra holds a BA Hons in International Relations and is a certified personal trainer and fitness instructor.


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