Executives of Halal Expo Explain Muslims’ Peaceful and Healthy Ways of Living

About our guests:

Marwan Ahmad is the CEO of U.S. Halal Consultant, organizer of Halal Expo and Summit USA and founder of Arabesque Media. a Virginia based marketing and event planning and management company. Ahmad has been in the marketing, event planning business since 1994. He served on a media training mission to Italy with the State Department touring four cities to speak, educate and train local ethnic media. Ahmad also serves as the president of the American Halal Council, a nonprofit organization based in Washington DC.

Elisabeth Myers is the Executive Vice President of US Halal Consultants.  She serves as the Summit Director for the Annual Halal Expo & Summit USA. An Adjunct Associate Professor of Law at American University’s Washington College of Law in Washington, D.C., Myers received her juris doctor degree in 1993. She is multilingual in English, French, and the Moroccan dialect of Arabic, and is based between Marrakech, Morocco and Washington, D.C.


Press release – Halal for Muslims is not just about food. It’s a way of life that encompasses the notion of tayyib, connoting a body of ethical principles designed to promote healthy, clean, and wholesome living. Halal is the corporate social responsibility for Muslims.

The US halal market has grown over the years and is now a multi-trillion-dollar market globally and a multibillion-dollar industry in the US. It’s poised to expand even further. So what is fueling it?

First, the Muslim population in the US is growing, and expected to double by 2030. Second, halal products and services are appealing more and more to non-Muslims who are conscious about what they consume, the humane treatment animals, how businesses treat their employees, and how humans treat each other and the planet.

The annual Halal Expo & Summit USA has been bringing halal business and customers together for the last three years and educating the broader American public. Focusing on business to business interactions, the Expo’s dynamic exhibition space will feature exhibitors from companies all over the world.

The Summit will feature experts, academics, and business leaders engaging in discussion and debate to move the halal industry forward.

“After three years of presenting the annual Halal Expo & Summit, we understand the growing demand for halal products and services in the U.S. general market,” said Marwan Ahmad, the Expo organizer and CEO of U.S. Halal Consultants and founder of Arabesque Media.

“In addition to providing practical business solutions, we’ve designed the Expo & Summit to offer halal producers and suppliers the opportunity to operate in one of the most important markets in the world.”

The Halal Expo will also recognize the best halal companies for 2021, according to Elisabeth Myers, co-organizer, Summit Director, and Executive VP of U.S. Halal Consultants.

The Halal Expo & Summit will be held both in-person and virtually at the Washington Dulles Marriott hotel—close to both Dulles International Airport and Washington, D.C., on October 20-21, 2021. For more info, visit http://www.halalexpousa.com/.


Raw footage of YouTube interview with Marwan Ahmad and Elisabeth Myers





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