Don’t Forget Us At Guantanamo by Mansoor Adayefi

Don't Forget Us At Guantanamo by Mansoor Adayefi


About our guest:

 Mansour Adayfi is a writer, advocate, and former Guantánamo detainee, held for over 14 years without charges as an enemy combatant. Adayfi was released to Serbia in 2016. He has published several New York Times pieces, including a “Modern Love” column.

About the book

At the age of 18, Mansoor Adayfi left his home in Yemen for a cultural mission to Afghanistan. He never returned. Kidnapped by warlords and then sold to the US after 9/11, he was disappeared to Guantánamo Bay, where he spent the next 14 years as Detainee #441.

Listen to Sara Jamshidi conversation with Adayefi about his hope, sense of humor and boundless energy.


The Raw Footage of the Interview with Mansoor Adayfi


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