Climate Change Conference 2021; Planting a Seed: Three Simple Steps to Sustainable Living: Kate Gaertner



About the author

Kate Gaertner is a leading expert, sought-after speaker and consultant in corporate sustainability with 25 years of combined corporate and entrepreneurial experience. She holds a Masters of Science in Sustainable Management from the University of Wisconsin, an M.B.A. from the Wharton School, and an A.B. from Dartmouth College.


Planting a Seed: Three Simple Steps to Sustainable Living


Kate Gaertner


About this episode

As the world starts to emerge from the COVID-19 crisis, another global — and even more devastating — existential threat persists: climate change.

The world is getting hotter. This summer, wildfires engulfed the West Coast and floods ranged through China and Europe. Britain, once a generally wet and cold place, issued its first heat warning. Extreme weather becomes each day more common in every corner of the world.

The 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, also known as COP26, is being held in Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom, between 31 October and 12 November 2021.

This conference is the first time that parties are expected to commit to enhanced ambition since the previous climate change conference, COP21.

As government bodies and scientists try to find solution for climate change crisis, the issue can feel too large and too for individual to make a difference.

Yet, without coordinated government response it is up to each of us to try. We can live by our ideals, dig into what motivates our decision making, and find that living lighter is not too difficult with a thoughtful approach, we can live better by acting sustainably, now with an essential guide to help.

Planting a Seed: 3 Simple Steps to Sustainable Living by Kate Gaertner, corporate sustainability expert, is a detailed guide for making better choices for ourselves and the planet. The book offers hundreds of ideas for tweaking our actions to that our impact is softer, our carbon footprint is petite and our life is more joyful.

Kate focuses on seven impact categories where actions can truly be felt: Transportation, Energy,, Home and Property, Food, Material Goods, Water and Trash.

She helps us to understand what motivates us by engaging in sustainable living by explaining four value categories:

  • The Penny-Wiser: A frugal friend who is creative and driven by cost savings.
  • The Be-Bester: A health-conscious go-getter who is derive by fitness and nutrition
  • The Bridge-Builder: A civic-minded neighbor who cares for the local community and economy. S/he is driven by trust and symbiosis
  • The Nature Lover: An outdoors-man who wants to support biodiversity and is driven by concern for clean air, land, water and soil.



A quick promo on TikTok to explain what’s coming up


About the book:

The science on climate change is in, and its impacts are being felt around the globe. It’s time for every one of us to start finding a new way of living, working, and moving around our planet. The good news is, it doesn’t have to be hard, and it doesn’t have to feel like a sacrifice. By understanding how you fit into the global picture, and investigating what changes work best for you, you can soften your impact on the planet in as many areas of your life that feel right and work for you. It just takes some planning, some action, and some practice.

In Planting a Seed, corporate sustainability expert Kate Gaertner shows you how to develop an action plan that will help you develop new habits and ways of living that fit into your daily life. You’ll gain greater insight into how you are personally connected to the larger ecosystems and environmental issues, and start discovering and embracing your values every day through your actions, commitments, and purchases.

You’ll learn about the six impact categories where your actions can be felt, and customize an adaptation plan that builds from where you are. Offering ideas for sustainability at a small, medium, and large level, Kate shows that living lightly can also mean living well. Accessible and lively, Planting a Seed charts a way toward a greener future by encouraging each of us to find the sustainability path that feels just right.


YouTube raw footage of the conversation between Kate Gaertner and Sara Jamshidi




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