Behind the Kingdom’s Veil: Inside the New Saudi Arabia Under Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman


Susanne Koelbl is an award-winning journalist and foreign correspondent for the German news magazine DER SPIEGEL. In her recent book Behind the Kingdom’s Veil: Inside the New Saudi Arabia Under Mohammed Bin Salman, she chronicles the changes in Saudi Arabia in recent years. Sara Jamshidi will talk with Koelbl about Saudi Arabia and the murder of Saudi Journalist Jamal Khashoggi.


Susanne Koelbl

susanne koelbl, behind the kingdom's veilKoelbl is known for her probing reports from Syria, Afghanistan, and North Korea. Her stories highlight the intricate dynamics in conflict areas and wars around the world, the Balkans, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. Most recently she lived in Riyadh during 2018/19.

Koelbl is the author of the highly acclaimed book Dark Beloved Country: People and Power in Afghanistan.

Always close to the people, Koelbl uses their voices to make complicated political and societal contexts accessible.

Read more about Susanne Koelbl and the project she manages here:


Behind the Kingdom’s Veil: Inside the New Saudi Arabia Under Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman


Susanne Koelbl


Amazon books

A First-Hand Look at Saudi Arabian Life as Few Outsiders Have Seen It

#1 Bestseller on Saudi Arabia and #1 New release on Women in Islam, Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, and Civil Rights

Witness the mysterious world of Saudi Arabia. Understand Saudi culture, politics, history, human rights, and women´s rights as seen through the intimate and insightful experiences of an award-winning journalist.

Few Westerners have been allowed a closer look at the inner workings of Saudi Arabia. Susanne Koelbl, prize-winning journalist for the German news magazine Der Spiegel, strips away the veil covering many secrets of this mysterious kingdom. For years she traveled the Middle East, and recently lived in Riyadh during the most dramatic changes since the country’s founding.

Peek inside the black box that is Saudi Arabia. Koelbl has cultivated relationships on every level of Saudi society and is equally at ease with ultra-conservative Salafi preachers, oppositionists, and women from all walks of life.

  • Listen to intimate conversations with women about their newly offered freedoms
  • Have breakfast with Royal Highnesses, meet Osama bin Laden’s bomb-making trainer, enter palaces of secret service chiefs
  • View an in-depth portrait of the all-powerful Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS)




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Interview with Susanne Koelbl for Peacemindedly Podcast




YouTube Raw Footage of Conversation between Susanne Koelbl and Sara Jamshidi for Peacemindedly Podcast




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