Visiting the Louvre Museum can be both exotic and exhausting.
What to do and what to expect when you go to the royal church.
A personal story of facing war and atrocity in the Middle East. As much as peace seems impossible in the Middle East, we cannot lose hope.
Improvising in the kitchen, using available raw ingredients, daughter and mom made three different Mediterranean dishes in two hours.
Don’t just book. Be an active researcher. If it is too good to be true, there’s probably a reason.
Traveling with kids is different. Give yourself one complete day to rest. Try to plan one thing a day. It’s Ok you don’t see everything.
50 Recipes that are easy-to-follow and rich with vegetables, flavors, legumes and meat.
Justice and gender equality in Islamic legal tradition.
I put together a photography crew to take pictures of happy and fashionable Muslims during the Eid al Fitr celebration.
The Beauty of the Houri shows how Islamic houris has gained a distinctive place in the cultural eye of the twenty-first century.
An innocent question of “where are you from” may provoke an unexpected backlash. How can we address white privilege, friendly and kindly!
The Western media uses “Islam” as news, and Muslims as villains. I wanted to change the narrative through peace journalism.
I started the Fashionable Muslim Women of Eid al Fitr project to answer my curiosity and examine the US media’s treatment of Muslim Americans.
Columbia University students’ demand for Israel divestment, and Tehran University students’ demanded for the flow of information. They both want accountability by their government.
Nineteen Arab women journalists speak out about what it’s like to report on their changing homelands.
Exhausted with seeing the media’s coverage of Muslims, we decided to redirect the narrative by producing a body of pictures to show Muslim’s pride and happiness under the Fashionable Muslim Women Project.
Sofia Rehma, scholar, author and avid book reader, suggested 9 books to read. Take a peak at the books before World Book Day on April 23.
From the past to the present, from Nefertiti to Amy Winehouse, eyeliner is one of our most enduring cosmetic tools.
Media portrays Muslims in negative light. We wanted to change the narrative, and show Muslims’ Happiness, beauty and kindness.
Fashionable Muslim Women Project was the solution to discuss Muslim women’s agency within the Western media discourse.
Special recipes for Ramadan from the Mediterranean cuisine.
The U.S. media showed unfriendly pictures of Muslim women. Sara Jamshidi, Iranian-American peace journalist, challenged the stereotype.
A discussion with Pigliucci, author of A Field Trip to a Happy Life, to honor and celebrate the International Day of Happiness on March 20.
International Women’s Day is on March 8th. We talk with two professors about women’s rights and movement in the Maghreb and Nort Africa.
The Western media does a terrible job of featuring Muslims. A Muslim can be liberal, open-minded, educated, supportive of women, and happy.
Western media doesn’t feature celebration among Muslims, and insist on depicting the minority group as terrorists.
The Western media portrays Muslim women as villain. In this piece, you’ll read personal story of a woman’s fight against media bigotry.
In Eid al-Fitr, among many other days, Muslim are happy and proud. The Western media ignores to show the Muslim community in positive light.
The Western media portrays Muslims as terrorists. Had I been influenced by the terrorism label that the media was imposing on me?
The Western media carries double standard when it comes to cover Muslim women news.
Walking down the most famous street in Istanbul, we faced with a few amazing experiences.
A poem about the war between Hamas and Israel. Many lives are lost, many hearts are broken. May we have the courage to realize compassion.
The conflict between Palestine and Israel escalates every day. Is there a way to address the conflict with nonviolent communication principles.
Geoffrey Chaucer, the father of English poetry, and Ferdowsi, the father of Persian language saved English and Persian literature.
I sent my application to the UW journalism school several times with no success in receiving any reply. I decided to meet the head of the dept.
An old burial ground at the center of London was calming, spiritual, quiet and transformative.
There is a long line, but worth to wait for a delicious, voluptuous, juicy bite.
Kate Clancy, professor at the University of Illinois-Champaign, explains the real stories behind women’s monthly menstruation.
Dutilleul, has a remarkable to pass through walls with ease. Read more.
I took refuge at a Parisian Garden to take a rest in late Afternoon.
Pardis Bahmani and Susanne Foster, two local artists, will discuss their artwork at the Island House.
Have you ever read book(s) that changed your life? Do you know any books…
I created Goltune in reaction to my maddening anger of U.S. media poor coverage of Muslim women.
I walked by the same piece of trash a few times, never bothered to bend!