Source: Yahoo News
Wedad Amiri promotes female empowerment and the normalization of mental illness, naming each of her pieces after an inspirational woman, including those who struggle with their mental health.
She owns Afflatus Hijab, an online store that sells modest evening and casual wear, originally geared toward Muslim women. Her designs have attracted so much attention that her work will be featured at the Maarkah New York Fashion Week in September.
Amiri started her business about four years ago, after growing tired of the lack of options for women who prefer to dress modestly.
“When we go to weddings and stuff, to get a long dress with sleeves is very hard to find,” she said. “So I was buying these dresses, but I would have to take them in, alter them. It would cost about $500 near the end.”
Read the full story @ Yahoo News
Watch the video on 680 News about Carly Robinson, creator behind Afflaut Hijab.
There is a story behind every photo @ Afflaut Hijab Instagram page. Below, we posted the story of those photos we chose for this post.

This piece will be named Anonymous as the story is being told from a family members point of view.
Triggers: Addiction
Hurdles due to the mental illness: Her family feels at a loss. They had not noticed the signs happening right in front of them. It was not until the term “suicide” was brought up that they realized they severity of the matter. Although the family member dealing with addictions, at the moment refuse any professional mental help, they are working closely and carefully to gain their trust and confidence to assist them in seeking the professional help they require.
Advice you would give family members dealing with the same mental illness:
Never be ashamed of having a mental illness, whether its happening to you or a member of your family. Mental illness is not a taboo, it exists and it is not a phase. So read between the lines, listen to the voices, and watch the actions and behaviours of your loved ones but most importantly do not make them feel alone. Talk to others and inform yourself of the causes and symptoms of mental illness. Knowledge is power; educate yourself. Educate others on the matter and teach those in your community to bring people in rather than push them away.

We are naming this piece after Marwah Boroot who is 28 years old and a mother of 2. Her mental illness is severe clinical depression. Triggers: Family dynamics, a siblings death, health complications, and 2 marriages that ended due to emotional, mental, and physical abuse. Hurdles and obstacles due to the mental illnesses: There were days where her antidepressants and therapy couldn’t have had any effect on her what so ever. There are days when she wanted to just quit. She has been struggling for so long. And would it not be so peaceful and sweet to surrender. But her kids are what kept her going. Her family still doesn’t talk to her and she has literally lost everyone else. Because she comes from a background and culture where when a girl gets a divorce she isn’t worthy. Keep in mind Allah made divorce halal. Keep in mind religion doesn’t tell us to treat people this way; especially not your family. Some days are manageable and some she can’t get out of bed. But she’s here and for the sake of these two beautiful souls she is trying and she’ll rise up every single day. She might have lost her family and friends and everything but she has gained herself back. She gained her freedom back, the right to be heard, and the right to make her own choices. And she hopes one day her family will realize that she made the right decision and that all she was trying to do was be her. She will keep on trying because she deserves to be happy.
Advice you have for someone dealing with the same mental illness:
For the one’s struggling you’re are so strong. Never allow anyone to silence you. To be little you or to take away your rights whether it’s your husband or a career/ degree. Because at the end of the day they are not living your life for them it is for you. Stay true to yourself. Do not let others control you and choose what they want for you. It’s okay to grieve for a time. You feel lost, and you are going to find yourself. Think about how you handled other stresses in your life.

This piece is named after Nakita Valerio who is 31 years old. She is a mother; holds a Masters in History and Islamic-Jewish studies; is a Research Fellowship on anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim hatred; is Self-Employed in Editing/Content Development at the Drawing Board Canada; is a Community Organizer building intercultural relationships and a Public Speaker on anti-racism work (VP of External Affairs with AMPAC). Her Mental Illness: PTSD & C-PTSD
Triggers: Multiple childhood traumas and birth trauma with her first born.
Hurdles due to PTSD & C-PTSD: Rage, self-harm, suicidal ideation, anxiety and previously low self-esteem.
Advice you would give to someone dealing with the same mental illness as you: Stay longer. You might be in the undertow today but tomorrow you could bob up and see the horizon, and the day after you could get to the shore. It’s ok to not be ok. It’s ok to be back out in the undertow one day, even if you have been on the shore for months. Recognize that you have suffered trauma that has injured your nervous system and your automatic responses are now your body’s way of trying to keep you safe. You are resilient. You are still here. See how incredible you are, according to your own development. Rigidly curate your life spaces so that you feel safe. Do what you have to do just to stay a little longer.
Interesting things about Nakita: She used to be a jazz musician, is trained in classical piano, and also as muralist (painter). She is currently transforming her Masters and fellowship research into a graphic novel woven with her personal narratives of travels to Morocco and converting to Islam.
Visit Afflaut Hijab Instagram page for more inspiring photos.