Shelley Kloba: How to Reach Out and to Be Advocate for Peace

Rep Shelley Kloba




Yesterday was May 25, 2022, the second anniversary of George Floyds murder. Around the same time, about two years ago, I talked with Shelly Kloba, Democratic Representative of the 1st District at the Washington House of Representatives. We talked about racism, white supremacy, George Floyd killing, and the instruction on how citizens can reach out to politicians.

In this interview, Rep. Kloba explains a few legislatures that she was able to pass in the congress. She focuses on communications between her office and public citizens. She approaches some of our questions from the point of view of a mother, and she tells us what she thinks and feels about racism in the United States.

About our Guest:

from Rep. Shelley Kloba’s website: Rep. Shelley Kloba’s journey to the state Legislature started as a parent advocate at her daughter’s public schools. Inspired by her experience advocating for her local PTA, she served a four-year term on the Kirkland Park Board and as a trustee for the Lake Washington School Foundation.



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