Categories: Lifestyle

3 Reasons Behind Peace Journalism

Journalism could be used as a strong vehicle to shed light on important matters

Peace journalism aims to spread peace through reports about stories that actually matter.

Peace has become a contentious issue in today’s world, especially in Middle Eastern countries such as Syria, Iraq, Iran and Yemen where people do not have the necessary privileges to enjoy peace and prosperity on a regular basis. They face a daily struggle to survive in the economic, political and cultural arenas.

Journalism could be used as a strong vehicle to shed light on the social and political aspects of people’s lives. In particular, peace journalism has emerged as a new movement to give voice to the people who have never been portrayed as comrades or peaceful.

According to a study from the University of Birmingham in the UK, 91 of stories published on Muslims in Britain are negative. The challenge is to change such perceptions by reporting positive stories that happen around the world, particularly in Muslim nations.

Peace journalism’s objective is to reduce social tension, especially between the Western and Islamic nations

In order to put such stories into perspective, Goltune News promotes a special brand of peace-based journalism through all its platforms. With the stories that we publish on Goltune News, we try to give a voice to underprivileged people who have restricted access to news and information. Through our editorial and overall storytelling approach, we strive to stay true to the ethics of journalism when we write about under-reported issues. We try to approach all angles with the concept of peace in our minds.

Below are the reasons for understanding how we apply peace journalism in our storytelling:

Peace journalism investigates conflicts, considers all dimensions and explores possible hidden agendas. But the main goal is to uphold ideas about peace from anywhere in the world

Providing a voice to the underprivileged

With the rise of social media, news organizations are increasingly fighting for viewers, listeners and readers and staying ahead of the competition has become a real challenge. Some news organizations reinforce already-existing biases or promote political influences for no reason other than to gain some sort of financial edge. On the other hand, the emerging trend of promoting peace through journalism, a practice that we follow in Goltune News, helps bring otherwise underreported stories to the fore, especially when we cover stories about Muslim women and their culture.

Redefining news

Peace journalism’s objective is to reduce social tension, especially between the Western and Islamic nations. People from the Middle East are suffering from many challenging issues in their daily lives. Peace journalism aims to spread peace through reports about stories that actually matter.

Fairness in journalism

Journalism ethics require news organizations to be free from political influence and any social pressure. What differentiates journalism from any other type of storytelling is adherence to certain guidelines that ensure impartiality. Peace journalism investigates conflicts, considers all dimensions and explores possible hidden agendas. But the main goal is to uphold ideas about peace from anywhere in the world.

Goltune News promotes peace and prosperity through its special brand of journalism that aims to foster harmony. Furthermore, we aim to keep you abreast of the latest fashion movements within Muslim communities. People of the Middle East and other Muslim nations, like everyone else, want to live in peace and prosperity.

We think our peace-based journalism is an effective way to convey non-conflict storytelling.

Curated Posts: We create, curate, format and distribute modern modest fashion, modest lifestyle through peace journalism across all platforms and channels for you to see, read, and stay informed. Stay Tuned with Goltune.