Main point: For a fledgling first lady there’s a lot riding on her inaugural gown
Source: mirror.co.uk
Writer: Amber Graafland
Obviously the name of the game is looking smoking hot. Hell, with the eyes of the world upon you, who wouldn’t want to be the belle of the Inaugural Ball.
No one knows what Melania Trump will wear on Friday night, but we suspect she’ll have been planning her outfit ever since Trump won the presidency in November. But it’s not just as easy as choosing a pretty frock.
The ball is the First Lady’s moment to step out onto the world stage and demonstrate her style. What she wears plays an integral part in shaping her public appearance for those four years to come.
Nancy Reagan got it wrong in 1981 when she wore a white beaded lace James Galanos one shoulder evening gown. The country was in the midst of a recession and it was deemed too lavish. Rosalynn Carter’s frugal antics backfired, and she was criticised for not taking her position seriously enough. Hmm…
Interestingly, we all know Trump’s a billionaire, he bangs on about it enough, so Melania won’t have these constraints. So we can pretty much assume Melania is going to be blowing the GDP of a small nation on her gown. Not confirmed, but a common assumption that’s about as reliable as ‘a Donald fact’.
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