When Women Are Storytellers, Story Changes: Elizabeth Lesser


Elizabeth Lesser is the author of several bestselling books, including her latest book Cassandra Speaks: When Women are the Storytellers, the Human Story Changes. Elizabeth is the co-founder of Omega Institute, recognized internationally for its workshops and conferences in wellness, spirituality, creativity, and social change. She will talk with Sara Jamshidi about her book on the day of its release on September 15.


Cassandra Speaks: When Women are Storytellers, the Human Story Changes

by Elizabeth Lesser 


Women storytelling

Amazon books:

What story would Eve have told about picking the apple? Why is Pandora blamed for opening the box? And what about the fate of Cassandra who was blessed with knowing the future but cursed so that no one believed her? What if women had been the storytellers?

Elizabeth Lesser believes that if women’s voices had been equally heard and respected throughout history, humankind would have followed different hero myths and guiding stories. Those stories would value caretaking, champion compassion, and elevate communication over vengeance and violence.

Cassandra Speaks is about the stories we tell and how those stories become the culture. It’s about the stories we still blindly cling to, and the ones that cling to us: the origin tales, the guiding myths, the religious parables, the literature and films and fairy tales passed down through the centuries about women and men, power and war, sex and love, and the values we live by.

Stories written mostly by men with lessons and laws for all of humanity. We have outgrown so many of them, and still they endure. This book is about what happens when women are the storytellers too—when we speak from our authentic voices, when we flex our values, when we become protagonists in the tales we tell about what it means to be human.

Women storytellers

peacemindedly, peace journalism, peace journalist, Cassandra speaks: when women are storytellers, human story changes, elizabeth lesser: Cassandra speaks, when women are storytellers, the human story changesLesser has walked two main paths in her life—the spiritual path and the feminist one—paths that sometimes cross but sometimes feel at cross-purposes. Cassandra Speaks is her extraordinary merging of the two.

The bestselling author of Broken Open and Marrow, Lesser is a beloved spiritual writer, as well as a leading feminist thinker. In this book she gives equal voice to the cool water of her meditative self and the fire of her feminist self.

With her trademark gifts of both humor and insight, she offers a vision that transcends the either/or ideologies on both sides of the gender debate.

Brilliantly structured into three distinct parts, Part One explores how history is carried forward through the stories a culture tells and values, and what we can do to balance the scales. Part Two looks at women and power and expands what it means to be courageous, daring, and strong. And Part Three offers “A Toolbox for Inner Strength.” Lesser argues that change in the culture starts with inner change, and that no one—woman or man—is immune to the corrupting influence of power. She provides inner tools to help us be both strong-willed and kind-hearted.

Cassandra Speaks is a beautifully balanced synthesis of storytelling, memoir, and cultural observation. Women, men and all people will find themselves in the pages of this book, and will come away strengthened, opened, and ready to work together to create a better world for all people.



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When women are storytellers, stories change

Interview with Elizabeth Lesser for Peacemindedly Podcast






What would have happened if women were the storytellers too? from Elizabeth Lesser on Vimeo.


Women, Stories and Perspectives:

YouTube Raw Footage of Conversation between Elizabeth Lesser and Sara Jamshidi for Peacemindedly Podcast





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