Sex and Intimacy among Muslim Women

sex love among muslim women


Chantal Blake is a travel writer and plant-based consultant from New York City. She currently lives in Oman. Chantal got frustrated about the lack of information about women’s bodies and sexuality. She invited Nicole Monteiro, a mental health expert, researcher, and consultant to create a course to teach women about their bodies and sexuality. Naaila Clay, marriage consultant, works with them. They talk to Sara Jamshidi about sex education for Muslim women, sensuality, intimacy and Valentine’s.


Listen to Peacemindedly podcast interview


sex intimacy muslim women

Chantal Blake

has professional training in the fields of Practical Nursing, Environmental Engineering, and Peristeam Hydrotherapy.

In response to a strong calling to develop her spiritual life and religious knowledge, Chantal traveled to Yemen to study Quranic recitation, Arabic grammar and morphology.

She is one of the organizers for Deeper, a faith-compatible, evidence-based instruction about holistic self-care and sacred sexuality.


Dr. Nicole Monteiro

sex intimacy muslim women

Dr. Monteiro is an international mental health expert, researcher and consultant. She earned a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Howard University, with an emphasis on culture and mental health and a minor in neuropsychology.

Currently, she is an Assistant Professor of Psychology in the Master’s Program in Clinical and Counseling Psychology at Chestnut Hill College.


Naaila Clay

Naaila Clay is part of the husband-wife counseling duo “That Clay Couple”. Naaila Holds firm to the belief that clinical interventions, old-fashioned wit & wisdom will get the relief for your head and your heart in relationships. She has a slew of training, certifications, created marriage & premarital courses, various workshops, evidence-based manhood and anti-bullying curriculum, co-authored 2 e-books and has an M.S. in Mental Health Counseling.



YouTube Raw Footage of Conversation between Chantal Blake, Nicole Monteiro, and Sara Jamshidi for Peacemindedly Podcast


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