Recipe for Refuge: Culinary Journeys to America


Recipes for Refuge is a delicious and unique collection offering readers an experience that transcends mere cookery. First, the food. These are the recipes that are passed down from mother to daughter, father to son, recipes that connect these global refugees to the place they once called home.

Transport yourself with Salomé’s Patacones con Hogoa, Sookjai’s Golden Triangle Chicken Curry, Mahnaz’s Pomegranate Khoresh, or Rahima’s Bariis–the famed rice dish of Somalia–accompanied by gorgeous full-color photographs.

Included too are the journey stories of these transplanted cooks, tracing harrowing flight from Saigon as it falls, years spent in Kenyan refugee camps, and dangerous border crossings to escape the Eritrean-Ethiopian conflict, with stunning portraits that reveal the faces behind the term “refugee.”

Most importantly, Recipes for Refuge celebrates and supports Refugee Women’s Alliance, founded by and for refugee women, including many of the cooks featured here.


Our guests:

Mahnaz Eshetu is the Executive Director of Refugee Women Alliance, REWA, who has successfully transformed the organization to a higher-budget optimal non-profit organization.

Betina Simons is the cookbook creative producer and editor who was raised in a diverse part of Seattle in a multi-cultural household.

Thoa Nguyen is chef, restaurateur and Northwest culinary influencer. She was born in Saigon and manages Chinoise Cafe, Pan Asian cuisine in Seattle’s China Town.


Buy the book from Amazon: Recipes For Refuge: Culinary Journey’s to American




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YouTube Raw Footage of Conversation between Mahnaz Eshetu, Betina Simmons, Thoa Nguyen, and Sara Jamshidi for Peacemindedly Podcast


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