Ramadan Prayers, Week Two


Happy Ramadan,

May all your fast and prayers be granted by God Almighty, InshaAllah!



Goltune, square, Ramadan Prayers, Day 8: Allah, Grant Me to Serve Others

Day 8,

Allah, Help me to have mercy

Allah, help me have mercy on orphans, and feed the hungry, and spread peace, and keep company with the noble-minded. O the shelter of the hopeful.


Goltune, Ramadan Prayers: Day 9: Allah, Grant Me A Share of Your Mercy

Day 9,

Allah, guide me toward the truth

Allah on this day, grant me a share of your expansive mercy; guide me towards the truth; lead me to your love and all-encompassing mercy. O the hope of the desirous.


Goltune, Ramadan Prayer, Day 10: Allah, Place Me One of Your Favorites

Day 10,

Allah, make me your favorite

Allah, on this day, make me among those whom you rely on, from those whom you consider successful, and place me among those who are near to you, of those who are your favorite.


Goltune, Ramadan Prayers, Day 11 Allah, Make Me Love Goodness

Day 11,

Allah, make me love goodness

Allah, on this day, make me love goodness and dislike corruption and disobedience, and bar me from anger and the fire of Hell. O, the helper of those who seek help.


Goltune, Ramadan Prayers, Day 12: O Allah, Beautify Me with Covering and Chastity

Day 12,

Allah, grant me chastity

Allah on this day, beautify me with covering and chastity; cover me with the clothes of contentment; let me bring justice and fairness; and keep me safe from all that I fear. O, the protector of the frightened.


Goltune, Ramadan Prayers, Day 13: Allah, Purify me from Uncleanness

Day 13,

Allah, purify me

Allah on this day, purify me from dirt; make me patient over the greedy events; grant me the ability to be pious; and help me to keep company with the good. By your help, O the beloved of the destitute.


Goltune, Ramadan Prayers, Day 14: Allah, Make Me Decrease Mistakes and Errors

Day 14,

Allah, grant me to make no mistakes

Allah, do not condemn me for slips; decrease my mistakes; do not make me a target for troubles. O, the most honorable one, dear God, I beg you.

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