Ramadan Prayers, Day 8: Allah, Grant Me to Serve Others

Goltune, square, Ramadan Prayers, Day 8: Allah, Grant Me to Serve Others


Ramadan prayers, Day 8


Allah on this day, let me have mercy on the orphans, and feed the hungry, and spread peace, and keep company with the noble-minded, O the shelter of the hopeful.


اللهمّ ارْزُقنی فیهِ رحْمَةَ الأیتامِ وإطْعامِ الطّعامِ وإفْشاءِ السّلامِ وصُحْبَةِ الكِرامِ بِطَوْلِكَ یا ملجأ الآمِلین

Allahumar zukani fihi rahmatal aytami waitamata amiwa ifshaa asalami wasuhbatalkira mibitau lika yamal jal amilina


Goltune, square, Ramadan Prayers, Day 8: Allah, Grant Me to Serve Others