Ramadan Prayers, Day 4: Allah, Let Me Taste the Sweet Taste of Your Remembrance

Goltune, Ramadan Prayers, Day 4: Allah, Let Me Taste the Sweetness of Your Remembrance


Ramadan Prayers, Day 4


Allah on this day, strengthen me in carrying out your commands; let me taste the sweetness of your remembrance; grant me, through your graciousness, that I give thanks to you; protect me, with your protection and cover. O the most discerning of those who see.


اللهمّ قوّنی فیهِ على إقامَةِ أمْرِكَ واذِقْنی فیهِ حَلاوَةَ ذِكْرِكَ وأوْزِعْنی فیهِ لأداءِ شُكْرَكَ بِكَرَمِكَ واحْفَظنی فیهِ بِحِفظْكَ وسِتْرِكَ یـا أبْصَرَ النّاظرین.

Allahumma kauwini fihi alaikamati amrica wa azikuni fihi alawati zikrika wa auzini fihi li adaai shukrika bikaramika wajfazani fihi bihifzika wasitrika ya absaran nazirin. 


Goltune, Ramadan Prayers, Day 4: Allah, Let Me Taste the Sweetness of Your Remembrance

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