Ramadan Prayers, Day 19: O’ Allah, Multiply Your Blessings for Me



Ramadan Prayers, Day 19


O Allah, on this day, multiply for me your blessings, and ease my path towards your bounties; do not deprive me of the acceptance of your good deeds; O you who are the Guide towards the clear truth.


اَاللهمّ وفّرْ فیهِ حَظّی من بَرَكاتِهِ وسَهّلْ سَبیلی الى خَیْراتِهِ ولا تَحْرِمْنی قَبولَ حَسَناتِهِ یا هادیاً الى الحَقّ المُبین.

Allahumma wafer fihi hazimin barakatihi wasahil sayili ilakhairatihi walatahrimni kabula hasana tihiyahadiyan illhakal mubini


Goltune, Ramadan Prayers, Day 19: O' Allah, Multiply Your Blessings for Me

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