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Yvonne Maffei: Inspirational Muslim Celebrity Chef


Yvonne Maffei is a Chicago-based food blogger and publisher of My Halal Kitchen, which is full of international recipes, cooking tips and lifestyle inspirations. She has also recently released a second book, Summer Ramadan Cooking. Yvonne discusses new recipes that have inspired her and the concept of halal food with Sara Jamshidi on the Peacemindedly podcast.

Yvonne kindly let us use her banana date recipe.  Please scroll down!


My Halal Kitchen: Global Recipes,

Cooking Tips, and Lifestyle Inspiration


By Yvonne Maffei


Yvonee Maffei


Yvonne Professional for peacemindedly podcast goltune My Halal Kitchen

Amazon: My Halal Kitchen

Amazon: Summer Ramadan Cooking

Facebook: My Halal Kitchen

Instagram: MY Halal Kitchen

LinkedIn: for business contact



Yvonne’s Quotes

peacemindedly, yvonne maffei, peace journalism



Banana Date Cups


Yvonne Maffei | My Halal Kitchen

These single-serving cups are so light and healthy for Iftar and contain many great ingredients you might typically serve separately. Prepare everything but the bananas ahead of time and you have a quick and easy dish to serve to guests at your next Iftar gathering.

Serves 4

2 cups naturally flavored yogurt

4 tablespoons creme fraiche (optional)

1 banana, cut small

4 tablespoons salted almonds, roughly chopped

4 large Medjool dates, pitted and roughly chopped

Shredded coconut or coconut flakes

4 teaspoons honey



In 4 small serving cups, divide the yogurt into each parts. Add one tablespoon of creme fraiche to each one, too. Add the cut banana in equal parts, then one tablespoon of the chopped almonds to each cup. Drizzle a teaspoon of honey in each cup then sprinkle with the coconut flakes and serve.


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