Safi and Eman Kaskas: Redefining the Quran Translation in English


Safi and Eman Kaskas describe themselves as equals in marriage and life. Safi translated the Qur’an into English using more than 3,000 references from the Bible. When the task became painstakingly difficult, Eman – who is also COO of American Strategic Health Management in Jeddah – encouraged her husband to put an end to the research and get it published. The couple will talk to Sara Jamshidi about their journey of translating the Qur’an using a unique approach.






Eman and Safi Kaskas

Eman Kaskas

MS. Eman Kaskas reflection in Amsterdam

Safi Kaskas

The Qur’an with References to the Bible

Eman and Safi Kaskas

United Nations – Safi Kaskas – The Qur’an

Safi Kaskas Facebook page




Eman and Safi Quotes



YouTube Raw Footage of the Interview with Eman and Safi Kaskas for Peacemindedly Podcast


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Sara S. Jamshidi: Sara S. Jamshididi is an American-Iranian journalist and entrepreneur. Sara is the founder of Goltune. She has worked in every aspects of print and broadcast media in the U.S. and Iran.