Peacemindedly Is the Sound of Peace Journalism

By Sara Jamshidi

Listen to the narrative below.

I really believe that we are all, all of us, no matter where we live, no matter what’s our financial circumstances, no matter our class divisions, no matter our education, and no matter anything that divide us, we are all dealing with one real conflict right now.

Coronavirus pandemic has created difficult circumstances for us. Staying away from the virus is one common goal we all share. Staying healthy, and alive, has become our responsibilities.

When the stakes are high;  when we cannot turn the table around in our favor; when we are all in this together; we can do only one thing.

We must hold onto hope and peace.

When the pandemic hit, I was confused, frightened, scared and kept asking, what should I do? What CAN I do?

I love listening. I love love love listening.

I love listening to the sound of music;

I love listening to the music of wind when it makes leaves dance;

I love the sound of silence created right after heavy snowfall;

I love the sound of a happy baby giggling;

I love the sound of one thousand and one frogs in our neighborhood pond during the summer time;

I love the sound of meaningful words. Words that people create to make me feel deeply in love with thoughts. And, when I am deep in thoughts, I’m in ecstasy, I feel weightless. I feel drunk. I feel fluid.

When I am light, drunk, fluid, I am synchronized with divine cosmos.

To be present at the divine ecstasy, I decided to make thoughtful people talk to me about love, kindness, compassion, and peace.

I call them Peaceful Bridge Makers.

So, if I can drink divine wine, and get drunk, why don’t I share the same wine with you? I am a very generous person, according to the people who know me. So, Peacemindedly is my wine offering. Although I should say that I live in Seattle. Wine and Coffee are simultaneous here.

Peaceful Bridge Makers are the people who create Peacemindedly, a podcast show about love, kindness, compassion, and peace. A form of storytelling that combines sound, thoughts, wine and coffee.

News storytelling is notorious for being negative, absurd, out-of-touch, and cruel. That’s true. However, we also have Peace Journalism.

Peace Journalism is when editors and reporters make choices of what to cover, and how to cover it. We have negative peace journalism, which tries to find solutions to conflicts in order to reduce violence. We have positive peace journalism, which wants to explore possibilities of more positive cooperation and collaboration.

The father of Peace Journalism is Johan Galtung.

Galtung! If the word rings the bell, you are right. I also manage Goltune. Under the influence of Galtung, I subconsciously was drawn to name my news website Goltune.

Goltune is an online magazine where we write about peaceful sustainable lifestyle. Peacemindedly is a podcast under Goltune News.

In Peacemindedly, we focus on narrators to explore possibilities of more positive cooperation and collaboration among cultures, tribes, nations, and people.

In our second season, we listen to authors and writers who spend their lives exploring ways we could expand our horizon to hear more sounds.

I would love to invite you to join us in this journey. A Journey that these peaceful bridge makers are making it possible for us to hear with our minds eyes.



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Goltune is editorially independent, meaning we set our own agenda. No one edits our editors. No one steers our opinion. This is important as it enables us to stay true to our values.

We practice peace journalism: to cover stories, feature individuals and profile organizations that base their practice according to peace initiatives.

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