Barjis Chohan: Fashion designer, entrepreneur, promoter of peace

Barjis Chohan is an entrepreneur, modest fashion designer and founder of award-winning London-based design company Barjis Lodon. She believes in quality and craftsmanship for all and this is embodied in every collection she creates.  She will talk to Sara Jamshidi on how she strives to bring people together through fashion.



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Barjis Chohan


peacemindedly podcast, barjis chohan, peace journalism Barjis Chohan: London College of Fashion

Rebellious Regal collection

Speakers Corner

Instagram account

Barjis website



Barjis Chohan Quotes

   barjis chohan, peacemindedly  


YouTube Raw Footage of the Interview with Barjis CHohan for Peacemindedly Podcast



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