Leaders & Organizers of Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom Talk About Peace & Commonalities Between Jews and Muslims

sisterhood of salaam shalom, peacemindedly
Clock wise from the top: Sheryl Oliltzky, Julie Plaut Warwick, Sheryl in a demonstration, and Sara Haidar.


Sheryl Olitzky, Co-Founder and Executive Director for Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom, or SOSS; Sara Haider, Assistant Director, Chapter Management, for SOSS; and Julie Plaut Warwick, Laughter Yoga Teacher and Co-chairperson of SOSS Eastside (Seattle greater area) will talk with Sara Jamshidi about the importance of re-building kindness, peace and a sense of sisterhood between Jewish and Muslim communities.

Please send your questions in advance to [email protected]

Assistant producer: Mateen Rokhsefat


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Sheryl Olitzky

peace journalism, peacemindedly, goltune news, sisterhood of salaam shalom

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Sarah Haider

peace journalism, peacemindedly, goltune news, sisterhood of salaam shalom

Sara Haidar @ Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom 

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Julie Plaut Warwick


Julie Plaut Warwick Facebook page

Connecting the Peaces

Julie Plaut Warwick LinkedIn page




Interview with Sheryl Olitzky, Sara Haider, and Julie Plaut Warwick for Peacemindedly




Sheryl Olitzky’s Quotes

‘Not to my children, not to my daughter, not to my mother, not to all the babies are yet to be born.’ Sheryl’s powerful story of traveling to Auschwitz. ‘protect the stranger, a repeated command in Torah, Jewish holly book.’
‘To see the world from the other people’s eyes.’ ‘One saves a life, saves the world.



Sara Haider’s Quotes

‘Jews and Muslims have so much in common.’ ‘Simple act of kindness goes a long way.’ ‘Women have a prominent role in bringing peace.’
‘Men and women see the world differently.’



Julie Plaut Warwick’s Quotes

‘Peace is …’ ‘Listen to people with your hart.’ ‘Smile’



Mateen Rokhsefat’s quotes

‘Compare to Jews, Muslims are less established.’ ‘Even in the worst situation, people still can find kindness.’



YouTube raw footage of the conversation among Sheryl Olitzky, Sara Haider, and Julie Plaut Warwick with Sara Jamshidi for Peacemindedly podcast