Modern Islamic Fashion Chic Designed to Define a Complete Wear

The Muslim community women for centuries were following the traditional costumes and styles. There was no change in their style and fashion until the evolution of modest fashion. The islamic fashion basically meant long covering dresses that covered the head and neck. With the introduction of modest fashionable clothes, the Muslim women fashion changed. It took a shift from the stereotypes to modern. The modern Muslimah fashion overthrew the old fashion chic and adopted a complete wear that mixes faith with style.

The Muslimah fashion style over time has been designed by prolific Muslim fashion designers. The Islamic fashion has captured its niche in the global market. It is leading its charge in countries such as Indonesia, Turkey and Malaysia. According to one of the Turkish newspaper Milliyet, the global Islamic clothing market worth $2.9 billion in 2010. This increased considerably $266 billion in 2013 as per Global Islamic Economy report. There was a growth of 11.9 % global spending.

In fact, the number went on increasing and it is expected to soar $488 billion by 2019. The increasing popularity of Islamic fashion resulted due to the change in the dressing styles. Previously, the Muslim apparels came with boring colours and designs. They were regarded as outdated and old- fashioned in the eye of westerns. Critics globally comment that “Muslim women fashion is a mark of strictness and oppression”.

But, this concept was completely overthrown when modest dresses made its entry into the Muslimah fashion industry. The modest costumes are designed following the fashionable classy seasonal colours. Every modest wears comes with a complete look. The modesty has been described wonderfully through the Muslim modest attires yet keeping in mind the western fashion style.

The Muslim women fashion style has been appreciated by women of various parts of the world. There are several comments made by fashion lovers regarding the Muslim fashion. Some are of the opinion that Muslim women fashion has definitely broken open the traditional look. The fashion style appeared in a refreshed look that can give a perfect modern appearance yet following modesty.

The most innovative creations of the Muslimah fashion designers are the outstanding hijabs. In the present era, the hijab fashion style comes with a wide range of colours, designs and printed fabrics. It is breaking the stereotypes and marching ahead in the fashion carnival.

The hijab of the modern epoch has given an excellent opportunity to Islamic ladies to fight back the age old wrong believe against them. In reality, it can be said that despite the challenges, the Muslim ladies are able to highlight their identity and individualism in a separate way.

According to WHD’s founder, the hijab is not just a piece of cloth that is used to cover the head. Hijabs represent the person’s individualism. They are available according to the face cuts of a woman today. It is true that a hijab woman is not controlled by a hijab. The fact is that the hijab wakes up the confidence of a woman from within. Read the news and stories published by Goltune News to know more about hijab style and change in islamic fashion.