Ramadan Prayers, Day 2: Oh Allah, Take Me Closer to You!

Ramadan Prayers, Day Two: Oh Allah, Take Me Closer to You!

Ramadan Prayers Day Two


O Allah , on this month , take me closer towards Your pleasure , keep me away from Your anger and punishment , grant me the opportunity to recite Your verses of the holy Quran, by your mercy , O the most merciful.



اللهمّ قَرّبْنی فیهِ الى مَرْضاتِكَ وجَنّبْنی فیهِ من سَخَطِكَ ونَقماتِكَ ووفّقْنی فیهِ لقراءةِ آیاتِكَ برحْمَتِكَ یا أرْحَم َالرّاحِمین

Allahuma karibni fihi ila mardatika wajanibni fihi min sakhatikawa nakima tika wa wafikni fihi likiraa ati ayatikabi rehmatika ya arhamar rahimin




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