I Pray for Palestine & Israel

pray for Palestine Israel Gaza


I pray for Palestinian children

I pray for Israeli mothers

I pray for my sanity

I pray for my powerlessness

I pray to God to ease my pain

I pray to God to ease the suffocating suffering of Palestine

I pray to God to grant mercy on Israel

My heart is filled with agony I cannot comprehend,

My soul is dark and ashamed,

My breaths are disturbed,

I want to write, but I cannot

I want to read, but I cannot

I’m a coward,

I’m in pain

I’m powerless

I’m scared

I’m ashamed.


I want peace.

I’m powerless.

I’m the sun,

I’m the darkness,

I’m powerless.

I pray for God’s mercy on me

On mothers,

On brothers,

On sisters,

On kids,

I pray for those whose hearts are filled with agony and hatred

The hatred toward Hamas

Toward Israel

Toward the United States

Toward Iran

I pray for them

To forgive

To have mercy

To find kindness and love in their hearts.


I pray for Arabs,

For Jews,

For Palestinians and Israelis,

For Muslims and non-Muslims,


I pray God grant me the serenity

To accept the things I can’t change

To change the things I can

And the wisdom to know the difference.


So many lives are cut short,

Mothers are crying,

Fathers hearts are shattered,

Brothers are soaked in pain,

Sisters are numb.


God, grant me the serenity

To accept the things I can’t change

To change the things I can

And the wisdom to know the difference.




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