For a Fashion Blogger, It Has Not Been Easy to Hold Onto to Hijab

Fashion Blogger
photo courtesy of Nabilla Chi’s blog

Summary: A young Muslim fashion blogger, designer and worker at local hospital at Trinidad and Tobago talks about her battle to stay true to her faith, hijab and choice of appearance

Naballah Chi, a 26-year-old Muslim fashion blogger and designer, wrote an open letter in her blog explaining her pain and gain in wearing hijab every day.

In her vociferous journey to finally wear hijab gracefully, she struggled to keep grounded. In her piece, she writes,

“However, like many people, there was a pint in my life where I was at an all time low. My imaan [faith] was unstable. It was at this time in my life I contemplated on removing my hijab. I had sometimes felt that wearing hijab did not allow me to reach my potential.

“The harder I tried to fit in, the more frustrated I became. I often felt that I couldn’t participate in certain activities with my hijab, and so this feeling had taken me down a road that I never want to travel again.”

Looking back at her journey, she feels proud of herself for not giving up her hijab. Now, she wants to empower other Muslim women to keep up with their hijab and faith.

“To my sisters who aspire to or have recently started wearing hijab and are facing any of the issues that I did … keep reminding yourself that hijab is your protection [ and ] you are not as beatiful if not more with it on,” she write in her blog entry.


Read Nabilla’s full entry on her blog here …