Congo Sole: How Once a Barefoot Refugee Delivered Hope, Faith and 20,000 Pairs of Shoes

Emmanuel Ntibonera’s quiet life in the Democratic Republic of Congo was shattered when the Great War of Africa plunged his homeland into chaos. Only a boy, Emmanuel’s childhood gave way to a daily fight for survival when his family was forced to flee and become refugee in Kenya.

As miracle after miracle, pulled his family from the brink of death, Emmanuel devoted his life to God’s work, went to college and build his own life in the United States. One day, Emmanuel decided to leave the safe borders of America and trace his footsteps back to the life he’d left behind.

Emmanuel Ntibonera and Drew Menard talk with Sara Jamshidi about their mission to deliver hope to kinds and families in Congo.




Fifteen years after escaping the Congo, he returned to his homeland. What he discovered there – disease, extreme poverty, deficient infrastructure, and words of all, prevalent spirit of hopelessness – changed his life forever.

Emmanuel decided to start collecting gently-used footwear to bring hope to his people.

Sara Jamshidi will talk with Ntibonera, author of Congo Sole, How Once a Refugee Barefoot Refugee Delivered Hope, Faith and 20,000 Pairs of Shoes.

(Resource for the script above is on the back of the same book)

Live show: Tuesday, September 1, at 12 noon, Pacific Standard Time

On Multiple social media channels. Here are two of them:


The book is available on e-book.

The hard copy will come out in October 13.

Congo Sole: How Once a Refugee Barefoot Delivered Hope, Faith and 20,000 Shoes


Emmanuel Ntibonera 

with Drew Menard 




Interview with Emmanuel Ntibonera and Drew Menard for Peacemindedly Podcast




YouTube Raw footage of the conversation between Emmanuel Ntibonera and Drew Menard with Sara Jamshidi for Peacemindedly Podcast

(coming up on Sep. 3)




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