Compassionate Conversations: How to Speak & Listen From the Heart


When a conversation takes a turn into sometimes uncomfortable and often contentious topics of race, religion, gender, sexuality, and politics, it can be difficult to know what to say or how to respond to someone you disagree with. In a conversation with Sara Jamshidi, Diane Musho Hamilton, Gabriel Menegale Wilson, and Kimberly Myosai Loh discuss Compassionate Conversation tools we can use to manage a difficult conversation.


Compassionate Conversation: How to Speak and Listen from the Heart


Diane Musho Hamilton

Gabriel Menegale Wilson 

Kimberly Myosai Loh



Amazon notes:

Compassionate Conversations empowers us to transform these conversations into opportunities to bridge divides and mend relationships by providing the basic set of conflict resolution skills we need to be successful, including listening, reframing, and dealing with strong emotions.

Addressing the long history of injury and pain for marginalized groups, the authors explore topics like social privilege, power dynamics, and, political correctness allowing us to be more mindful in our conversations. Each chapter contains practices and reflection questions to help readers feel more prepared to talk through polarizing issues, ultimately encouraging us to take risks, to understand and recognize our deep commonalities, to be willing to make mistakes, and to become more intimate with expressing our truths, as well as listening to those of others.


Authors of Compassionate Conversation


peace journalism, peacemindedly, compassionate conversation, goltune, Compassionate conversation Diane Musho Hamilton is an award-winning professional mediator, author, and teacher of Zen meditation. She is the Executive Director of Two Arrows Zen, a practice in Utah, and offers training programs oriented to personal development and advanced facilitator skills.

Her latest book is Compassionate Conversations: How to Speak and Listen from the Heart, co-authored with Gabriel Menegale Wilson and Kimberly Myosai Loh. She is also the author of Everything Is Workable and The Zen of You and Me.


peace journalism, peacemindedly, compassionate conversation, goltune, Compassionate conversation Gabriel Menegale Wilson is an author, organizational change consultant, and peace-builder with a specialty in diversity and inclusion efforts. His work takes us to the intersection of social justice and purpose driven enterprises, design thinking, human development and group dynamics.

His training includes post-graduate studies in leadership development from Stanford University, a certified integral facilitator and an associate for Delta Developmental, an organizational development consultancy.


peace journalism, peacemindedly, kimberly loh, goltune, Compassionate conversation Kimberly Myosai Loh is an author, conflict resolution and negotiation specialist, and leadership coach. She helps conscious leaders and teams to up-level their human relationships and transform conflicts into opportunities for growth.

Devoted to the values of clarity and compassion, her past work includes peacebuilding and mediation research and advocacy for the United Nations, international NGOs and universities, and international arbitration and litigation work as a lawyer in London and Singapore.





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Interview with Diane Hamilton, Gabriel Wilson, Kimberly Loh for Peacemindedly Podcast




YouTube Raw Footage of Conversation between Diane Hamilton, Gabriel Wilson, Kimberly Loh, and Sara Jamshidi for Peacemindedly Podcast