One Trick You Need to Stay Comfortable in High Heels

© Goltune. 3 simple tricks to stay on high heels
© Goltune. Three simple tricks to stay on high heels

Main Point: 3 quick tricks to use to stay on high heels 

Source: AOL lifestyle

Writer: Djenane Beaulieu

Tis the season to be fashionable with high heels!

Holiday fashion is fun, but of course the number one killjoy for shoe-loving women are those must-have, must-wear high heels.

Getting blisters isn’t the only thing we should worry about — heels can cause long-term damage not just to our feet, but too our nerves, hips and more.

But not to worry because health experts have a few tips on wearing the right shoe to ensure that your heels never hurt you again!

First thing is the thickness of the sole, according to the Mirror, a bit of platform is a good thing. Platforms at the front of the shoe will result in less pain.

Secondly, the size of the base matters! The wider the heel’s base is, the more support your body has. You’ll have better balance and be less likely to roll your ankle. So this rules out stilettos, as beautiful as they are.

And last, but not least, the shape the front of the shoe. Pointy shoes are said to be the worst as they increase the pressure throughout your foot.

It’s important for your feet to have room to breathe, rather than smash your toes together in a narrow area. Experts suggest finding a shoe with a more accommodating shape, like one with a rounded edge.

They say beauty is pain in the name of fashion but it thankfully it doesn’t have to be! You can look and feel amazing!