Are Raisi and Biden Going to Screw Each Other at the U.N. General Assembly?


One of the reasons we, Americans on the political stage, hate Iranian officials, is because our Iranian counterparts have always shown us their middle finger, loud and clear, saying they will “f…” us up every time they can. And by us, I mean people like Mitch McConnell, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, etc.

Iranian officials piss off American officials. In return, the American officials “f… up” the Iranian officials in any way they can. I wonder how much of this back-and-forth will be between Raisi and Biden this week at the UN General Assembly.

There is a story behind why we hate each other.

Looking back at history, the U.S. toppled the first democratic government in the Middle East. Why wouldn’t they? With the help of our brother-friend the Great United Kingdom, MI6 (U.K.’s CIA) and the U.S. CIA planned to bring down Mosaddegh’s government and return the Shah to re-establish their monarchy (U.S. and U.K) in the region in 1953.


Iranian officials piss off American officials. In return, the American officials “f… up” the Iranian counterparts.


The brothers gently reinstalled the Shah, their puppet in Iran, as if nothing ever happened. The Shah stayed in power until he no longer abided by the brothers’ rules.

Iranians grew exhausted from seeing Americans pull the strings. Americans had protection and consular immunity. They could do any wrongdoing without an expectation of trial. Iranians felt belittled by this special brand of American immunity.

There were numerous reports of Americans abusing their power, including one report of an American soldier raping and killing a 17-year-old girl in Khorasan province in 1977. Iranians rebelled. They wanted freedom and democracy. Instead, again with the help of MI6 and the CIA, they got Khomeini and his religious dictatorship.

We in the U.S. never let ourselves, and our people, forget the humiliation of the 1979-1981 hostage crisis ignited by Iranian revolutionaries. And we boast whenever we can about our victory over Iran. Just recently, we celebrated the CIA’s decision to disclose the name of the second spy who helped six American diplomats escape Iran under the Argo operation.


Looking back at history, the U.S. toppled the first democratic government in the Middle East. Why wouldn’t they?

We know now that Ed Johnson was the second spy to rescue the stupid American diplomats who stayed behind during the 1979 revolution. He worked alongside Tony Mendez, who was played by Ben Affleck in the 2012 Hollywood retelling of the event.

Why should we care about the second spy’s name now? Why didn’t those Americans ever believe they needed to get the f… out of Iran? Did they speculate that the CIA would put them back where they were, just like in 1953? So, why bother to leave?

Our American diplomats shamelessly deny their roles in changing the fate of a nation by overthrowing Iran’s democratic government. We are shameless, aren’t we? We did the same with Afghans, Iraqis, Syrians, and any other nation we got involved with.

Also, we never mention our cruel sanctions against Iran that really cripple its economy. The sanction story is something I’ll write about later. And now, when Iranians rise up to demand their rights, we are silent. When women get killed, we turn our backs. It is not in our interest to topple down a dictatorship, is it?

I would like to see how Raisi is going to screw Biden during his visit to the UN General Assembly. Can he?



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Sara S. Jamshidi: Sara S. Jamshididi is an American-Iranian journalist and entrepreneur. Sara is the founder of Goltune. She has worked in every aspects of print and broadcast media in the U.S. and Iran.