Ramadan Prayers, Week Three

Goltune, Day 15: Allah, Grant Me the Obedience of the Humble

Day 15,

Allah, grant me to obey you

Allah, on this day, grant me to obey you; expand my chest to repent humbly; grant me to fear you; grant me to take refuge in you. O, the shelter of the fearful.


Goltune, Ramadan Prayers, Day 16, Allah, Grant Me to Do Good today

Day 16;

Allah, grant me do good

Allah, grant me do good, just like the good people in your domain; keep me from patching up my action; lead me in your heaven; have mercy on me; accept my repentance. O, the God of the worlds.


Goltune, Day 17: O' Allah Guide Me Toward Righteous Options

Day 17,

Allah, guide me toward the right options


Allah, guide me toward the right options; fulfill my needs and hopes; O the one who does not need explanations nor questions; O the one who knows what is in people’s hearts; bless Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) and his family. O, the pure one.


Goltune, Day 18: O' Allah, Awaken Me with the Blessings of Early Mornings

Day 18,

Allah, awaken me with the blessings of early morning

O, Allah, awaken me with the blessings of early mornings; Illuminate my heart with the brightness of morning’s rays; let every part of my body follow its effects of Your light. O, the illuminator of the hearts.


Day 19,

Allah, multiply your blessing for me

O, Allah, multiply your blessings for me; ease my path towards your bounties; do not deprive me of your acceptance and good deeds; O you who are the Guide towards the clear truth.


Goltune, Ramadan Prayers, Day 20: Allah, Help Me to Recite the Quran

Day 20,

Allah, grant me to recite the holy Quran


O, Allah, open the doors of the heavens to me; lock the doors of Hell; help me to recite the Qur’an; O, the One who sends down peace into the hearts of believers.


Goltune, Ramadan Prayers, Day 21

Day 21

Allah, show me to win you

Allah, show me the way to win You; do not let Satan have a means over me; make Paradise a resting place for me; O, the One who fulfills the requests of the needy.


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