By Marina Ezzat Alfred
Halal Travel – There are more and more Muslims who prefer to travel to Halal destinations in which they can find halal food and halal drinks. This new generation of travelers demand respect for their Halal choices.
Halal is an Arabic word. It means permissible. For the Muslim travelers, it also means ‘known’ and ‘safety.’
Halal travelers are one of the fastest growing sectors in the global market. More than 131 million Muslims traveled around the globe in 2017, up from 121 million in 2016 according to Mastercard Crescentrating Global Muslim Travel Index. Muslim travelers are expected to spend $220 billion US dollars. The figure will jump up to $300 billion by 2026.
Here is our suggestions and recommendations on how to use your vacations in Halal way.
Learn about Halal apps:
There are a numerous applications, created and made by Halal-savvy marketers and Muslim IT guys and girls, that make many travel decision more Halal and enjoyable. To make Halal Environment around you, use Halal Travel applications which can help you to know more about products and habits of people in the Foreign country you travel.
These are some applications and websites we recommend it for you.
Scan Halal: This application is trusted by the most Muslims around the world, it shows Halal Products Guide, and they can check Expiration date, Item components and advice Muslims to avoid Haram products.
Scan Halal specializes in food, you can use the camera, take a picture of commodity and it will give you a sign to eat or not.
Muslim Pro: a very popular app that is currently used by millions of Muslims around the world. One of the most useful features is its ability to show the Qiblah, which is the direction of the Kabah. But it can do more than that. Not sure about the local prayer times? This app will list out the local prayer times based on your current location, so you will never be unsure again. A real lifesaver indeed!
Zabihah: This app features a large database of Halal restaurants generated by its users. Get this to your phone right away so you can access a list of Halal restaurants in popular travel destinations. What’s more, this app makes suggestions for the nearest mosques too. It even goes to the extent of sharing whether there’s a separate room for the ladies to pray, making it an extremely informative app.
Halal Navi: This all-in-one app has a variety of information that Muslim travelers could possibly need, from Halal restaurants to prayer rooms and also Muslim-friendly hotels. It depends on its users to contribute recommendations and review places.
Halal Websites:
Halal Travel means to go to destination holidays which possible for Muslim, for example Sofia Bulgaria, Cyprus, Bosnia and Herzegovina in Europe, They can visit also Malaysia, UAE, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Muslim can deal with other in a good way without any shy, also can get the Halal Environment in these countries, If you want to travel, just book a ticket in Halal booking website and choose the days you prefer.
Halal Trip: the founders started working on making Halal Trip a comprehensive online lifestyle platform to inspire Muslims to travel and explore the world. The mobile app was launched in January 2015. The site has been successful in giving advice and suggestions to Muslim travelers.
Where are the Mosques
Mosques, or prayer areas, play a significant role in Muslim travelers experiences. Many of the travelers want to know where the mosques are or where they can find a place to pray safely and peacefully. Locals usually know the best area to pray. Next time, try to aks a friendly local about some suggestions for mosques.
Marina Ezzat is an Experienced Journalist with a background in working in various aspects of publishing industry. She holds a Bachelor degree focused in Journalism from faculty of mass communication from Cairo University.
This post is published with author’s permission.
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