Ramadan Prayers, Day 5: Oh Allah, Please Forgive Me!


Ramadan Prayers, Day 5


Allah, place me among those who seek forgiveness on this day. Place me among your righteous and obedient servants. Place me among your close friends, by your kindness, O the most merciful.


اللهمّ اجْعَلْنی فیهِ من المُسْتَغْفرینَ واجْعَلْنی فیهِ من عِبادَک الصّالحینَ القانِتین واجْعَلْنی فیهِ من اوْلیائِک المُقَرّبینَ بِرَأفَتِک یا ارْحَمَ الرّاحِمین .

Allahuma jualni fihi minal mustagfirina wajalni fihi minibadikas salihinal kanitina wajaalni fihi min auliyaa ikalmukarrabina bira u fatika ya arhamar rahimin. 


Goltune, Ramadan Prayers, Day 5: Oh Allah, Please Forgive Me!



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