Ramadan, Day 3: Oh Allah, Grant Me Wisdom and Awareness


Ramadan Prayers, Day 3


Allah on this day grant me wisdom and awareness; keep me away from foolishness and pretension. Grant me a share in every blessing you send down, by your generosity; oh, You, the most generous.


اللهمّ ارْزُقنی فیهِ الذّهْنَ والتّنَبیهَ وباعِدْنی فیهِ من السّفاهة والتّمْویهِ واجْعَل لی نصیباً مِنْ كلّ خَیْرٍ تُنَزّلُ فیهِ بِجودِكَ یا أجْوَدَ الأجْوَدینَ.

Allahumah r zokani fihizzih nawat tabiha wa baidnifihi minsafahati watawihi wajaali nafsiban minkuli khairin tunzilu fihi bijudka ya ajwadal ajwadina. 





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